Monday, November 17, 2008

fund raising

The money for the cookie dough is not due until we deliver the dough, however if people want to pay now that's fine just keep track of who paid. Sheets need to be to me by next Monday night (sorry I wanted to give you guys Thanksgiving weekend with relatives to sell but we couldn't get the dough in time for xmas). According to Mr. Z's dough will be in around December 10ish. I believe we get $4-5 per tub sold - I will call again to find out the exact number, I have talked with so many company's they all run together. This was the only one that had a large amount of choices and could get us the dough by xmas. I talked with Mayfair - no go on gift wrap they have one specific group this year. I do have candy to sell after cookie dough if people are interested 55% profit. For those not going on the California trip please help with the fund raising we are using this money for other things also: field rental, sir fees, posts, pads, jerseys, other tournaments and other rugby related expenses.

Dorothy Watters

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A candy fundraiser would be great!